Thursday 5 November 2009

Statement of Intent

From researching existing newspapers, I soon realised there was a huge gap in the market for a parody newspaper and this is why i have decided to create a local one. I am going to aim the newspaper at the students of South East Essex College as they are missing a college newspaper to inform the students (and maybe some teachers and parents) of what is going on in and around the college. I think a parody newspaper will be very appealing -to the students especially- and they will enjoy reading it, and hopefully get rid of the conventions of the news and newspapers being "boring" and dull. This will be a huge contrast to the current local newspapers and because of this I am sure it will be very popular as I believe the students need something like this.
I have decided that the style of my newspaper is going to be a traditional looking newspaper with a modern and humourous edge!
I am now going to research parody newspapers to give me a better idea of what to include in my newspaper and look at the layout and how they appeal to their audience.

Below I have created deadlines for myself to make sure my project is complete.

Diary of Dates:

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