Now what on earth is this you may ask, well according to our sources, contacts and spys, it is in fact the new university’s student accomodation.
However can you not see the similarities between this and James May’s infamous lego house? I am pretty confident that they have hired ol’ James to build the accomodation after seeing him and 999 others bulding his two story house with 3.3 million bricks. Impressive huh? Or maybe they’re just being copy cats and if that is the case then I bet James May wish he put copyright on it now!
I know it is still being built, but come on, it’s not very attractive is it? What were they thinking? What student is going to want to live in a huge lego piece? Or are we (being oldies) missing the point? And let’s be honest, yellow, blue, grey and white, are hardly the most attractive blocks in a lego set are they?
This accomodation is set to be opened for the first year undergraduates for Southend University, no not the one in Southend which is Essex University but the new university that is to be opened along with the accomodation this September, however that is if everything goes to schedule, and if you have a quick glance to that photograph in the right hand corner over there and you look very closely, just so your nose is touching this paper and then, and only then you will notice there is not one builder or worker on that scaffolding! Tutut, they’re slacking already
As I look at the accomodation, I begin to wonder about the students living there. Is each lego piece a student room? Because realistically, the horizontal ones do not look tall enough to fit student in when they are standing up!
This is mind boggling I must say.
I bumped into a group of students walking past and stopped them to ask for their opinion, here we have Rebecca Marsh, 18, Vikki Farrington and Jake Walker both 17. Kelly Paxman also in the group and is a student at our own South East Essex College said:
“I think they’ve gone for the modern and edgy look to appeal to the students but it’s not very attractive”
“It looks like a maze, how am i supposed to get in?” - an excellent point from Jake Walker, we hunted around together for 10 minutes but there was no door to be seen, it’s an illusion, an illusion we tell you!
Another student we managed to stop by pretending we were a charity said:
“It looks like they’ve mixed up the accommodation plans with their tetris game” SPOT ON LOVE! spot on!
Well we had better stop critising this giant lego land (ok! i’m stopping) and just wait and see!
Just under a week ago we set up SpEEc.com as your favourite newspapers website and we had a huge response to our dating section with hundreds of you signing up to meet other singletons.
Well, we’ve done it, we’ve made our first match that are apparently madly in love with each other already.
Emma Harrington spotted Alex Reid on the first day the website launched and got in contact, she said it was “love at first sight” (of the picture) and she couldn’t wait to meet him. Thankfully Alex felt exactly the same and met up for Mc Donalds later that day for their first date and a Mc Flurry.
The unusual looking pair are so happy together and say they are unseperable.The pair have even taken and sent in a picture to show how loved up they are, with a note saying how they just fit together and how thankful they are to SpEEC.
Well, we try our best!
CONGRATULATIONS STEPHEN NUTKINS who has just recieved the first A* this year, the very special grade has only been introduced this year so we are very proud, he achieved the grade in English Language which is fantastic! To show how pleased we are we are going to take this space to celebrate!
Woooooooooooooo hoo woo woooohoooo!!! yeah yeah Wooooooooop!!!! wooooooooeeeeeee woooooaaahhh wowowowow WOW!!!!!! wooo ooooooooo wowowowow yeahhhhhh! Yeahhhhh, wooooooooo yeah yeah yeah wahey!!!
YAY, yay yaya yaaaaay, congratulations Stephen, well done! You are now our number one student woo hoooooo, yeah yeah! wow woooo wooo wooopeeeeee!! YEAHwoooooooooo STEPHEN NUTKINS woooooo wowoowowowoeooeoeoeoew!!
Stephen Nutkins: If this isn’t enough to show how proud we are of you please cut out the scoff voucher below to claim a jam doughnut!
I've taken my bullet pointed list from my previous post of story ideas for the front cover and I only used two - The current weather conditions and a snippet about Clubs in Southend, so I am taking the list again to use for story ideas for my double page spread.
More than likely I am going to concentrate on
As I already have the digital photography ready for these articles and they are very important news within the college at the moment.