Monday 7 December 2009

Master Pages

This is screenshot of my master pages that I created in InDesign, a master page is a publishing term for a template, I have set these up so now every page I create for my newspaper will already have this information and design on.

As you can see below, I have the title of the newspaper (SpEEC) printed aswell as the date in the outside top corner of the page then I have created a thin blue stroke going across each page at the top to separate the title and date from the news and then in the bottom outer corners of each page I have taken the college logo (the red shape) and created it into a page number image, where each page number will be present on top. This shows the college being involved, additionally, the red and blue combination of this page represent the colleges house style colours.
For the front page I have added the newspaper logo, date, price, a stroke and a footer on the master page as this will be on every front page and always in the same place as you can see directly below.

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