Monday 4 January 2010

Page Layout

Below I have scanned in some layout designs for my newspaper:

I'm going to analyse each layout so I can get a better perspective of what layout to choose for my newspaper:

1. The front page of this layout is neatly laid out however now i'm not too keen on the two pictures next to each other, in production I don't think it would look that good and make it look too busy. Although the double page spread here I really like, I think it is well presented and believe it would work well with my parody genre with a large photo in the middle and having a big heading across both pages. This is definately me favourite spread.

2. Layout 2 is very text dominated and I done this for a reason to see the contrast from layout 3 and to see what it could look like, however I think this layout would look much better on an international or broadsheet newspaper. Which is why I am eliminating this choice.

3. The double page spread in layout 3 is picture dominated and although I would like a few pictures I think this layout looks quite busy and messy which doesn't look very professional. However the front page of this layout I really like as it is well presented, has a good balance of picture and text and I am keen on the idea of having snippets down the side of my newspaper to show small articles or what other main stories are in the newspaper.

After a lot of consideration I think i'm actually going to take the first double page spread layout and combine it with the third front page.
Now I have chosen my layout I am going to produce the layout design - combining the two different layouts - on photoshop, by computer generating it it will give me a much neater layout to work with and a clearer idea of how it will look. I will upload the layout below.

Above is the computer generated layout design I want for my newspaper - I have tweaked it slightly by removing the adverts as because of copyright issues I can't advertise anything in Southend and just added a small little picture in the bottom left right hand corner of the front page.

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